Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A day with the kiddos

We slept in, showered up, cleaned up a bit and headed out. First things first though. I had to go to the hospital to get my midevil leg sock thingy and then to the clinic to have them put on a new midevil band aid. Once we were all done with that. We went to the Museum here on post and the kiddos loved it. I have to admit it's my second time going and I could spend all day in there. Not to mention all the planes outside. After we left the Museum we came home and the kids cooked up and packed up a nice picnic dinner and we headed to the river front park where we ate and played for a couple of hours. I posted a slide show with all of the pics.


Anonymous said...

Hey! That helicopter is eating your kids. Where can I find one of those?

Party of 5 said...

Looks fun!

Jon G said...

I was in the Army: don't recognize the museum you went to. I love military museums; where are you guys stationed?

Jon G said...

Oh and BTW, I have to say that you have a great looking family. We have a large family as well --- beating you out by 1 ;-), though I don't know if that's bragging or whining :-{ --- You must be a tough girl!

StacyRenee said...

Thank you,
It is the Don F. Pratt Museum on Ft. Campbell.

Jon G said...

Nice area... was at Ft Knox!