Friday, August 29, 2008

Her first Battle wound

My daughter texted me yesterday in the middle of drill practice to tell me she got hit in the eye with a rifle and that her eye is swollen. WHAT are you okay??? Ya gotta go! And that was the end of our conversation till I picked her up a half hour later. She then tells me that her and her partner were doing the rifle toss and her partner aimed worng and it her in the eye. They had her line up in front of the squad to show off her "Battle Wound" And oh what beauty it is too!!

It's a real badge of Honor at her school. Making the drill team is hard. Staying in is harder. I can't wait to post pics of her in Class A's. :)


Anonymous said...

Your still beautiful in Daddy's eyes, even with a black eye

Trish said...

Stacy, guess what? You won my picture contest! You can email me at cutiecoversnmore(at)yahoo(dot)com and send me the picture you would like me to edit. I'm excited for you!

Just Spotted said...

ouch! hope you guys have a safe journey.